72 to 27 Degrees- I really didn't want to leave New Orleans today. Two days with my family, buffering the two ends of spring break week, was not enough time at home, especially since it was my first time back since before the hurricane. My knowledge of geography is much better after this week, so lifting off from the airport, I could look down and recognize City Park, UNO, the Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans East.

Immediately near the airport in Kenner were rooftops covered in blue, signalling bustling activity by do-it-yourself-ers and construction workers, many migrants, I'm sure. This photo I took on the way to the aiport, evidence of the number of migrant workers rushing to this area. Farther to the east was the city, and even farther the areas hit hardest by Katrina. And they noticeably lacked the blue rooftops, signalling little or no activity.
I cried when the flight left New Orleans, and I cried again when we arrived in Detroit. I feel as if I have the weight of New Orleans on my shoulders. For a week I've felt the pain and hope of a Re-New Orleans, and for an infinite day I've spent at home helping my parents rebuild their lives. This time I leave home a changed person.
Ellen, I love your blog postings--and pictures! Thanks for sharing this--
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