Monday, March 13, 2006

First Debriefing - One week after our return from New Orleans. From free association talk, everyone divulged that this past week had been very overwhelming and difficult. I'm glad everyone was able to get it out on the table. How did some people deal with it? Some tried to tell the stories of our experiences to friends and family, but most became frustrated because those who have not seen it, who have not been there, cannot understand the enormity of the situation. And it just gets frustrating talking about it because the other party just seems to not care. What can we do about it? It's so true that you just cannot understand it without seeing it, but since most people will not have the opportunity, how can we bring New Orleans and the Gulf Coast to Ann Arbor?

Shawn and I had been tossing around ideas of creating sustainable student-led grassroots activities to keep working with the area. This would be an organization separate from PHAST that any SPH student could be a part of. And by sustainable, we mean that it would continue even after we graduate. That's the difficult part about organizing anything at SPH since, at two years, our programs are so short and intense. I hope for a good reception at the group PHAST debriefing this Thursday.


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